Monday, January 5, 2009

Making Porn

Well its been a while since I wrote in this journal...too long. Its the start of 2009 and I still havent dismantled my christmas tree. Its a live tree in a pot of soil, but I really need to undecorate it and move it oustside into the light of day. It seems so hypocritical to me when I see all the dead trees lying out for the trashman after christmas. People are celebrating a birth by creating a death.
Dont read this if youre looking for good literature. This is just late night ramblings off the top of my head.
I finally got a job.
I now work in the adult entertainment industry. I have no shame for this. I work at Its not really porn. Theres nobody on the site having sex. Its just lots of naked girls. Its sorta like playboy except all the girls have machine guns, flamethrowers and bazookas. I dont really get it why people would pay for a membership to such a site but I guess its a nitch. I do art for them. Its way more fun and creative than what I used to do. Im soo completely glad to be out of the printing industry. I pray I never have to go back. My boss is cool and I work half my days at home. With a little luck I'll be able to pay off my student debt and credit card debt by about the middle of the year. Just in time for the global economic meltdown I figure. I really should just save my money and invest it in precious metals. But the debt has been the bane of my existance for almost a decade. And if making porn is what it takes to pay it off, then I will do it... with pride and joy.