Tuesday, November 27, 2007


December is almost here and Im trying to get my fill of Christmas spirit before I scuttle off to Europe. Im lucky enough to be spending a couple weeks in Italy and Im pretty excited about that.
Finally things are getting settled in my apartment. Ive moved back into my place and its really nice. I got a new paintjob and a new carpet. With any luck I can keep clutter and junk down to a minimum. Right now Japanese teahouse is the motiff Im going for. Though I think the cats liked it better with all the clutter, but for now, theyre getting more comfy since the furniture is going back to where it was (at least some of it is). Ive managed to pair it down to the bare essentials. There was quite a lot of junk just taking up space. Now its become a wonderful place to live instead of just a storehouse for my stuff.

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