Monday, December 6, 2010

Those Crazy Mayans

So Im watching this special on the 2012 thing. They're talking about the Mayans and their ideas. Now I've heard all kinds of theories about 2012 and armageddon. But Im a bit surprised about some of these Mayan ideas. According to this show on National Geographic channel, the Maya used to think that people were made of different stuff during the different ages of mankind outlined by their calender. According to the Mayans people were made of mud during the 2nd age of mankind. And I think it was the 3rd age that featured humans made of masa flour (corn). Wow! And I thought silicon based life was a stretch! They were also really into sacrifices. They seemed to really enjoy cutting people open and pulling out the heart in front of an audience. This was considered publicly acceptable. I guess morality is just a fashionable thing. I wonder if human sacrifice will ever be publicly ok again. Perhaps it will be some new reality TV show in a few hundred years.

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