Saturday, January 22, 2011

Psychic Intuition and Food

Ive often thought that psychic intuition was something very unreliable and irregular. Far too often we mistake wishful thinking, paranoia, imagination, and self delusion for psychic vision. I've seen people devote their lives to meditation and various rituals trying to further themselves up what they consider to be the ladder of enlightenment. But it never seems to help them in life. Though lately I do occasionally see it working for me. Ive never tried to do it but I find when I get intuition with cooking it helps. I cook a lot. Sometimes when Im putting in something I get a feeling that its maybe too much of one thing or another. I always fuck it up if I dont pay attention. Sometimes, I get a sudden thought that when something is cooking that I need to go check it. I've saved quite a few dishes from burning that way. Maybe it is a useful thing. Maybe I should lend more credence to the notion of using ESP. Maybe I shouldn't have put all those raddishes in my coleslaw. I had a feeling about that when I was doing it.

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